"Health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait, and it will not wait another year."
-President Barack Obama

NOW is the time for health care reform. Tens of thousands of people die every year in this country because of a lack of health coverage. Countless others struggle under crushing medical debt or suffer through treatable illnesses.
Health care reform won't happen without a grassroots movement.
On May 30th in Seattle, we will answer President Obama's call and send a strong message to everyone in the nation that Washington State is united in the fight for health care reform for ALL in 2009.
And we need you!
Plan to join us on Saturday May 30 at 12:30 in Pratt Park for an action packed afternoon filled with music, speakers and most importantly, the message that health care for all can not wait.
Major marches and rallies have influenced policy makers throughout the history of our country, and now is the time to demonstrate the will of the people and raise the demand for quality, affordable health care for all.