This legislative session, HIV/AIDS community needs our supporters and allies to help raise AIDS awareness among our state legislators. Every body counts! Whether you are HIV/AIDS knowledgeable, want to share your story of how HIV/AIDS services keep you alive and healthy, or just want to support the people who do – your presence makes a difference! We need as many of you to take the day off and join people affected by HIV/AIDS in Olympia as possible!
The first 300 participants to register will receive this free t-shirt upon their arrival in Olympia:

We need as many participants as possible! If you live in the Puget Sound region, and can get to Olympia on your own the day of the event, or want to hop on one of the buses Lifelong is providing (departing from Seattle, Tacoma, and Everett) - sign up today! We will be booking buses next week, so if you need a seat reserved, this is the time to register and let us know!
If you live in districts 5, 35, 47, or 49, we extra-need you to sign-up! Please go to to locate your legislative district.
An important note to participants traveling 110 miles + only:
Please note that due to a limited budget, we can only provide two transportation and accommodation stipends per each legislative district in those areas. Right now we still have hotel and transportation assistance available for participants from districts 10, 15, 17, 18 and 40. Please go to to locate your legislative district.
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