Get up, stand up! (jah, jah!)
Stand up for your rights! (oh-hoo!)
Get up, stand up! (get up, stand up!)
Don’t give up the fight! (LIFE IS YOUR RIGHT!)
Get up, stand up! (SO WE CAN’T GIVE UP THE FIGHT!)
Stand up for your rights! (lord, lord!)
Get up, stand up! (keep on struggling on!)
Don’t give up the fight! (yeah!)
A great Bob Marley song known around the globe, its message is one that we have to take to heart this year. With a budget deficit that is growing daily and the Governor and Legislators calling for major cuts - $7 MILLION in HIV/AIDS services in the 2009-2011 biennium budget – we have to get up, stand up for what is right!
As someone who has worked in government affairs, public relations, and politics for over 20 years I know first hand that you cannot sit on the sidelines and expect to make an impact. For that reason, I recently became the Co-Chair of the Public Policy Committee for Lifelong AIDS Alliance, as well as joined their Board of Directors. We have to get in the fight.
Postcards, emails, letters and phone calls to elected officials are all important (we will need your help with those later in the process), but in this critical situation that HIV/AIDS funding is in the midst of, we must make the biggest impact possible. That means you traveling to Olympia, looking your legislators in the eye and in your own words ask them not to cut HIV/AIDS funding.
It is that simple – we have to go to Olympia and stand up for our rights!
REGISTER TODAY and register 3 friends to join us at the Capitol.
Steve Gibbs is Co-Chair of Lifelong AIDS Alliance's Public Policy Commitee and a newly elected Board member there as well.
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