Monday, February 2, 2009

What Did You Do To Fight AIDS Today?

From the desk of the Executive Director of United Communities AIDS Network in Olympia:

On Wednesday, February 18th the Governor, legislators, civil servants and the media in Olympia are going to see that question on the back of hundreds of red t-shirts. It is our hope at United Communities AIDS Network (UCAN) that you will be able to answer that question the evening of February 18th by saying…

I attended AIDS Awareness & Action Day (A3D) at the State Capitol and made it clear to my legislators that a cut – any cut - in HIV/AIDS funding for critical education, prevention and care services is unacceptable!

We at UCAN will be able to make that statement in addition to the many other things we do on a daily basis. Those other things include:
· Case Management Program works one-on-one with people living with HIV/AIDS to ensure access to primary medical care and social services in order to empower people to become self-sufficient.

· Client Centered Advocacy with one-on-one meetings to support clients in determining what services they may need. Clients receive individual counseling from the Client Services Manager about services available to meet the legal, financial, medical and housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS.

· Prevention With Positives provides one-on-one support to develop an individual service plan in maintaining health and safety.

· Drop-in Center offers a warm and safe place for clients to rest, eat light meals, watch videos, make telephone calls, network with other clients and access the Internet and read published information about HIV/AIDS.

We at UCAN and the other partner and community organizations are doing our part daily to fight HIV/AIDS and we need your help! Answer the question – What Did You Do To Fight AIDS Today? – by registering TODAY to join us at A3D in Olympia on Wednesday, February 18th!

We will see you there in your red t-shirt.

Susan I. Schalwick RN,CHES
Executive Director, UCAN

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